Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mothers Day / 2 months of loving T

I have a lot to say tonight so I thought I would write a blog post. First, I want to say Happy Mother's Day to all you sweet mama's out there! Keep on keepin' on! Today was one for the books. My girls woke up today ready to make sure I knew it was Mother's Day (and I don't mean in a good way). Hazel has been teething and sick with a cold so she's been pretty miserable. Staying up until 2 and only sometimes sleeping in until 11. She was grumpy today and I think she's on the mend from her cold so I wanna say her teeth were hurting. She did tell me Happy Mother's Day though and it kinda made my heart melt all over the place.

Townes was on a whole other level of needy today. I'm not blaming her either because she has been fighting a cold as well and I just can't imagine what that feels like when you're only 2 months old. She cried ALL.DAY.LONG. Nope, that's not an exaggeration. I mean it, all day. Ask anyone who was within a mile of us, they heard it. Poor thing just wasn't having it.

Through all the tantrums, tears and grumpiness I still love them, though. I guess that's what Motherhood is all about. No matter how hard they make it, there is still no where else I would rather be. They make my life so worth it. I was made to be a mama and God is awesome for trusting me with such a huge responsibility. I still can't believe I grew their little bodies and I get to know their little souls. I've sacrificed almost every part of who I am and it's all been so worth it. Through all of the exhaustion I'm still glad I get to wake up tomorrow (or at 3:00 when T gets up to eat) and do it all again. Thank you God, for my little girls.

On another note, I haven't blogged about T at all. Just when I think I have the time to sit and write, someone needs something. I can't believe she's been with us earthside for 2 whole months. I honestly feel like I just had her last week. It's been so rough and so beautiful at the same time. The first few weeks were hard. Figuring out who she was and why she cried was a huge task and I had to relearn how to be a mama because she never cried for the same reasons Hazel did and I guess mentally, I just wasn't aware there would be that much of a difference.

We made it through the first few painful days of breast feeding and I was so proud of myself. Nursing was something that never worked for Hazel and I almost made myself a little too sad about that. Only to find that months down the road, it was the best decision ever. My time nursing has come to an end with T and although I'm sad about it, I don't feel like a failure this time. We made it 4 weeks EBF which was my goal all along and then I pumped and did half formula half breastmilk for another 4 weeks. That means T had breastmilk wayyyyy longer than Hazel ever did and that makes me so happy. Tonight is my first night not pumping and I know I'm going to be a little down when I pack away all of my pumping gear (that I hopefully get to use for just one more little babe) tomorrow.

T is growing so fast, shots are right around the corner and she smiles now! She loves tummy time and still loves being held. She's very alert and has been since birth she looks around everywhere and she almost bends over backwards when you hold her because I'm convinced she wants to stand up already. She sleeps a long stretch between 9-2:30 and then wakes every 3-4 hours to eat. We all love her so much and I don't know how I ever lived life without her.

Overall, we are all adjusting very well. I'm still trying to figure out this new me who is a mama of two and I'm struggling with that a little but I know by the Grace of God I'll figure out a rhythm soon enough!



Hi all, me again. You know, the one who has this blog and never uses it. Thought I'd check in a give a life update. Actually, I'm pr...