Wednesday, May 30, 2018

The Bees Knees

I don't really consider myself a hippie, but I hate using plastic, try not to use the microwave, never litter, and try my best to reduce, reuse & recycle. We've only got one planet people, one life, and I don't know about you, but I really want my kiddos and their kiddos and their grand kiddos to be able to enjoy this place like I did.

Recently, I've read a lot about Bees and their importance in our world. If you know me at all, I am 1000% not a bug person. Bees, though, I have learned play one of the most important roles in connecting us with nature.

Bees help pollinate flowers, create food for humans, and of course without bees, we wouldn't have honey and we all know how delicious and healthy honey is.

Click here to learn more about bees and their importance in our world!

So, I am so excited to say that I have teamed up with a great little company called Tees For Bees!
They have cute shirts and hats to help spread the love for bees and 10% of their profits go to Bee City, a charity that is dedicated to protecting bees and their habitats. You can read their story here!

Please, if you have any interest in this cause at all, visit their website! Shop their collection of Tees and use discount code 'JEWEL20' to save 20% on any purchases of $24.99 or more!

Shop now and save the bees if you want to save your world!



Hi all, me again. You know, the one who has this blog and never uses it. Thought I'd check in a give a life update. Actually, I'm pr...