Sunday, November 13, 2016

some things I'd like to remember.

So I'm sitting in my dark bedroom because H woke up crying. I decide to lay down with her and I take her little hand in mine. All of a sudden I'm feeling overwhelmed with sadness because she's so big. In this moment I am also feeling an immense amount of gratitude and I've decided that I never want to forget this moment. Then, I started all the times in my life when I've felt this way and I never want to forget those moments either. So, here's my list. A list of some things I'd like to remember.

1. H. This is obvious. She's my kiddo, my baby...really, she's my best friend. The one girl I can count on to make me happy when I'm sad and to never leave my side (mostly because she's super clingy and It's against the law for me to put her down). I never want to forget her sweet cuddles. She's one now, going on 15 and I'm scared that my cuddling days might soon be over. I hope not. She's soft and she smells so sweet. Not to mention, she always has to rest her tiny hand on me in the sweetest most heartbreaking-ly way. I'm not going to lie, I secretly like when she wakes up crying and needs me to cuddle her. I know, I'll regret saying that when 4:30 A.M. rolls around and I can't get her to stop..but in this moment, it's perfect.

2. My one true love, my beeb, my husband. The guy that I'm continually dating and falling more in love with, with each passing day. Man, he's a keeper. We are going to get old one day. He'll turn gray and his voice will change and I'll look at him and wonder why I didn't listen each time he tried to tell me something I didn't really care about. I don't want to forget his eagerness to make each day better than the last. I don't want to forget how hard he tries (and succeeds) at taking care of his family. Mostly, I want to remember the way he looks at us, the way he loves us, and the way he takes such pride in being a daddy. 

3. Family. The older we get the greater in distance we grow. I don't want to forget all of the times my parents had a houseful of 1000 kids (okay, 4 sometimes 6) to clothe, feed, educate, inspire and send off into the world. As a mom, I know how hard it is (well, I can imagine). I know it hurts to know that one day you'll have to say "see ya later" (never goodbye) and watch your baby walk out into a world of hate and failure. One thing gives me hope, though. My kids will know that I'll always be here and I'd like to remember that my mom taught me how to do that. 

4. Mostly, I want to remember to slow down. Too often I get caught up in the everyday "hustle & bustle" and I forget that I'm only here for a short time. I vow to make a change. I vow to love every single cry and cuddle from H. I'm going to love my man, even harder when we fight, I'm going to cherish every phone call and moment with my family. I'm will remember.

on the same token..we will never be what we want if we aren't doing what we need to to become what we want.:



Hi all, me again. You know, the one who has this blog and never uses it. Thought I'd check in a give a life update. Actually, I'm pr...